Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Ever since Cade gave up his binkie a couple months ago (of his own free will and choice mind you) he has fought me about taking naps. He always says he is not tired and does not need a rest and when I do get him in bed his needs multiply. He needs everything and anything from a drink of water, to another story, or just one more "lub" mom. A couple of weeks ago I was at my mom's house and we had the same struggle we do every time I try and get him to rest. I decided to let him stay up and not take a nap, partly because he wasn't really acting tired and partly because I wasn't in the mood to fight him that day. Later that evening my dad was mowing the lawn so Cade jumped on to help. About ten minutes into it this is how I found him.

You be the judge but I think if you can fall asleep like that while the lawnmower is roaring in your ears you might just need a little nap?


Jessica said...

How sweet! My younger brother used to always fall asleep on the 4-wheeler. I guess you know who to call when Cade really needs a nap. :)

Angie said...

Nice, I love it!! Yep, I'd say he was tired. Call me if you need help with your background.

A Erickson said...

Oh bless his little heart. That is Sam to a T! She refuses to nap these days-and I am so not ready to be to that point!

The Hardy's said...

That is so funny. I guess you just need to buy a riding mower and cut the grass every afternoon. You'll have the best looking yard on the block.